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Speaker Mike Johnson Ukraine Aid

Speaker Mike Johnson's Bold Leadership in Securing Ukraine Aid

A Rare Display of Courage and Legislative Skill

By The Times Editorial Board, April 18, 2024

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) has demonstrated remarkable leadership and political courage in his efforts to secure long-overdue aid for Ukraine. Despite facing strong resistance from within his own party, Speaker Johnson has devised an innovative strategy to navigate the House's complex political landscape and deliver much-needed assistance to the embattled nation.

For too long, the House has been held back by partisan gridlock and the fear of taking bold action. But Speaker Johnson has refused to be swayed by political expediency. He has risked his own position to prioritize the moral imperative of supporting Ukraine in its fight for freedom and democracy.

By seeking the right side of history, Speaker Johnson has not only shown political courage but also exceptional legislative skill. As an inexperienced leader, he has demonstrated a remarkable ability to forge consensus amidst deep divisions. His innovative approach, which includes a key vote to unlock funding for Ukraine and other critical partners, is a testament to his strategic acumen.

The House is expected to vote on Speaker Johnson's aid package on Saturday. His unwavering commitment to delivering support to Ukraine is a shining example of the power of leadership. We applaud Speaker Johnson's boldness and urge the House to stand with him in this historic moment.
